Traditional Media: Pen & Ink, Pencil, Wash, Charcoal, Pastel: 1986-2010
Note: All works on this web site are copyrighted.
Charcoal: from an exhibition, "Homage to Chardin and Braque, 2009-10"
"Bach/Braque:" 33 x 44; "The Attributes of War:" 33 x 44
Pen, Brush & Ink: Homage to Chardin and Braque, 2008-09, Peonies By Moonlight, 1989, Ming Tree and Brush, 1988
Various Dimensions: 18 x 24 inches; 33 x 44 inches
Eucharis Lilies, 1988-89
Pastel and Pen and Ink, 22 x 38 inches
Pencil, 2009-10: Homage to Chardin and Braque
Approximately 10 x 12 inches